Monday, July 16, 2012

What is that Noise?

While sitting on my back deck enjoying the HOT dry weather, I heard a noise.  But it could not be the noise I heard.  That noise I heard was a mower cutting grass.  My lawn is short, dry, and looks more like straw then grass.  My mower has not been seen for many weeks, so what was this noise I heard?

The Lake County Dept. of Transportation had sent a worker out on a tractor towing a mower to cut the few weeds that have grown since the last time they cut the parkway.  I walked out to see these weeds that must be cut and it was hard to see the difference since last they cut these weeds.  He made not one pass, not two passes but three passes to cut these weeds that must be cut.

This may sound funny but not when you consider the wages and gasoline used to cut these hard to see weeds.  Do you think there might have been other duties, jobs and tasks this man on the mower might have done?

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