Monday, December 3, 2012

Lake County Board Chair

The Lake County Board elected Aaron Lawlor as its chairman and Carol Calabresa (District 15, Libertyville) as its vice-chair.

Lawlor, 30, was also sworn into his third term representing District 18, which includes all of Vernon Hills and Indian Creek as well as portions of Hawthorn Woods, Long Grove and unincorporated Lake County.

As he took over the gavel, Lawlor stated, "there is a lot of change among this board today, but our priorities remain the same. Together we will continue our strong record of fiscal responsibility and maintain our AAA bond rating."

Lawlor also pledged to work vigorously to advance the Route 53 Extension project.

On the Lake County Board, Lawlor has led efforts to reduce the size of the board, cut spending and increase transparency. He is committed to economic growth, infrastructure improvements and fiscal responsibility.

Lawlor has served on several of the county board committees, including roles as chairman of the Health and Community Services Committee, vice-chair of the Planning, Building and Zoning Committee and member of the Finance and Administration Committee and Law and Judicial Committee. Lawlor was appointed to the county board in 2009, elected in 2010, and re-elected in 2012.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Good Candidates for Lake County Central

  • Don Castella, Candidate for State Senate District 30
  • Dan Duffy, Candidate for State Senate District 26
  • Joe Neal, Candidate for State Senate District 31
  • JoAnn Osmond, Candidate for State Representative District 61
  • Sandy Cole, Candidate for State Representative District 62
  • Sidney Mathias, Candidate for State Representative District 59
  • Steve Newton, Candidate for Lake County Coroner
  • Bob Bednar, Candidate for Lake County Recorder of Deeds
  • Keith Brin, Candidate for Clerk of the Circuit Court
  • Mike Nerheim, Candidate for Lake Co. States Attorney
  • Daniel B. Shanes, Candidate for Judge of the Circuit Court
  • Randy Hultgren, Candidate for Congress 14th District
  • Robert Dold, Candidate for Congress 10th District

Friday, October 19, 2012

Fremont Township News

The word is out, there is a slate running for the Fremont Township elected offices.

Diana O'Kelly
Christina McCann
Ed Sullivan Jr.
William D. Grinnell
                     Highway Commissioner
Jeralyn "Jeri" Atleson
Tami Forman
Chic E. Martin
Connie Shanahan     Trustee

Monday, October 1, 2012

Fight Government Corruption

According to a recent poll by the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute, almost 70 percent of those surveyed thought the state was headed in the wrong direction.  Another question showed 58 percent thought Illinois is more corrupt than other states. 

That would mean that most of the people of Illinois do not like the job the Chicago Democrat controlled stated government is doing.  Our state is broke and the State House leader with the State Senate leader refuses to correct any of the problems.

The real solution is to remove the current leadership with new responsible leadership.  Everyone can do something, no matter how small.  One step is to not vote for those that follow the Chicago Democrat leadership.  Support the people who are willing to take on the Chicago political bosses.  Question and challenge all the candidates for elective office to clean up all government.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Ambulance in the valley - A Tale for our Times
(unknown author)

'Twas a dangerous cliff, as they freely confessed,
Though to walk near its crest was so pleasant;
But over its terrible edge there had slipped
A duke and full many a peasant.
So the people said something would have to be done,
But their projects did not at all tally;
Some said, "Put a fence 'round the edge of the cliff,"
Some, "An ambulance down in the valley."

But the cry for the ambulance carried the day,
For it spread through the neighboring city;
A fence may be useful or not, it is true,
But each heart became full of pity
For those who slipped over the dangerous cliff;
And the dwellers in highway and alley
Gave pounds and gave pence, not to put up a fence,
But an ambulance down in the valley.

"For the cliff is alright, if you're careful," they said,
"And, if folks ever slip and are dropping,
It isn't the slipping that hurts them so much
As the shock down below when they're stopping."
So day after day, as these mishaps occurred,
Quick forth would those rescuers sally
To pick up the victims who fell off the cliff,
With their ambulance down in the valley.

Then an old sage remarked: "It's a marvel to me
That people give far more attention
To repairing results than to stopping the cause,
When they'd much better aim at prevention.
Let us stop at its source all this mischief," cried he,
"Come, neighbors and friends, let us rally;
If the cliff we will fence, we might almost dispense
With the ambulance down in the valley."

"Oh he's a fanatic, "the others rejoined,
Dispense with the ambulance?  Never!
He'd dispense with all charities, too, if he could;
No! No! We'll support them forever.
Aren't we picking up folks just as fast as they fall?
And shall this man dictate to us? Shall he?
Why should people of sense stop to put up a fence,
While the ambulance works in the valley?"

But the sensible few, who are practical too,
Will not bear with such nonsense much longer;
They believe that prevention is better than cure,
And their party will soon be the stronger,
Encourage them then, with your purse, voice, and pen,
And while other philanthropists daily,
They will scorn all pretense, and put up a stout fence
On the cliff that hangs over the valley.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Dan Rutherford at Picnic

2012 Fremont Picnic.JPG
Fremont Township Chair Cornelius  Connie  Shanahan and State Treasurer Dan Rutherford at the Annual Fremont Township Picnic.  Several other elected officials and candidates for election attended the event.  This looks to be a very important election for Lake County and the Nation.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Fremont Picnic

Fremont Township Republican Picnic this SUNDAY at Lakewood Forest Preserve shelter C from 2PM - 5PM. Free to all voters and friends of voters. Come enjoy good food, conversation and meet some of our elected officials, then tell them what you think.  You never know who will show up?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Pension Reform?

From the Desk of State Sen. Dan Duffy:
Interesting fact about the “special session” last Friday - as you know the legislature was called to Springfield for a special session to vote on a “Pension Reform” bill. The Union bosses have been adamantly opposed to ALL pension reforms. To guarantee Madigan and Cullerton would not call a bill for us to vote on, the SEIU Union donated $97,000.00 to Madigan’s campaign…and $95,000.00 to Cullerton’s campaign on the very day, Friday, we were all in Springfield for a “special session”. No bills were called for a vote. Taxpayers paid 40k for the trip…while President Cullerton and Speaker Madigan raked in the campaign donations. Do you think this is “pay to play” politics, Chicago style, or just a miraculous coincidence?

Monday, August 20, 2012

Fremont Township Meeting

The August 13th Fremont Township Board Meeting was packed.  It seemed someone may have passed around a rumor that the Highway Commissioner Bill Grinnell was not doing his job.  Many citizens and Home Owners Assoc. Presidents went on the record that Bill goes beyond the call of duty.  Bill could have been elected President of the U.S.A. at that meeting.

The other reason for showing up at that meeting was to witness the Township Board debate pay raises and health care coverage for elected officials.  The over all feeling was the Township Board was doing a good job but voters wanted to make sure the Board keeps spending down.

Monday, July 16, 2012

What is that Noise?

While sitting on my back deck enjoying the HOT dry weather, I heard a noise.  But it could not be the noise I heard.  That noise I heard was a mower cutting grass.  My lawn is short, dry, and looks more like straw then grass.  My mower has not been seen for many weeks, so what was this noise I heard?

The Lake County Dept. of Transportation had sent a worker out on a tractor towing a mower to cut the few weeds that have grown since the last time they cut the parkway.  I walked out to see these weeds that must be cut and it was hard to see the difference since last they cut these weeds.  He made not one pass, not two passes but three passes to cut these weeds that must be cut.

This may sound funny but not when you consider the wages and gasoline used to cut these hard to see weeds.  Do you think there might have been other duties, jobs and tasks this man on the mower might have done?

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Glad to be Back!

Your Lake County Central blogger has been to Europe to see how they live.  Very nice people, good food, beautiful countryside, historic sites, and socialist governments.

Whenever a problem pops up the first question asked is what will government do to resolve the problem?   A local radio reporter asked a member of parliament why it was taking several years for government to approve or disapprove an industry permit that would bring needed jobs?  In response the member of parliament said he was not office during the previous years in question but things would be resolved in good order now.  When pressed on what he would be doing to get the permit, the member of parliament said any pressure on his part to the permit office would be seen as an abuse of his office on the permit process.  In other words the government bureaucrats will not be bothered by the elected representatives of the people.

A large portion of the people over there are looking for public services but at the same time do their best to avoid paying taxes owed to the government.  They see government as corrupt, with no way to improve or influence it.  Corruption in government at the national or local level is seen as the norm, with only the rare occasion of someone being caught and being brought to justice. 

At the same time loud voices are heard asking for more public services and money to be spent on a variety of problems.  No matter what the problem, local or national the first questioned asked is what will the government do to solve it?

Does this start to sound familiar to you?  In this country have we started to forget:  "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."  

Think about that this November.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Land of the Free

Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there.
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

President Obama has said that he does not favor our National Anthem because of the violence in the lyrics.  When I hear the anthem my thoughts are not of baseball, team stats, picnics, or fireworks.  My thoughts run to our history and the meaning of the words. 

In 1812 (200 years to this year) the British had just burned our capital city of Washington D.C. and now that same force with even more firepower was headed for the port city of Baltimore.  Fort McHenry was all that prevented that city from being burned to the ground.

The Fort Commander would not surrender or leave his post even in the face of overwhelming odds.  He ordered two new flags for the fort in anticipation of the battle, along with other fortifications. The British fleet used the newest in war technology, artillery shells that would explode spreading shrapnel to better wound and kill, and the latest in ship launched rockets.  All this aimed at Fort McHenry and the newly made American flag.  The attack began in the morning and lasted through out the night.  The only way the people of Baltimore and other observers knew our soldiers were still there defending them was by the light of the attacking rockets and the artillery shells bursting in air.   When dawn came the Commander ordered the smaller storm flag lowered and the larger parade flag raised.  The larger flag showed the enemy that we were still there and their efforts to defeat us had failed.  

The enemy retreated from Baltimore defeated but they planned another major attack at another U.S. city, New Orleans.  That my friends is another story of Americans fighting overwhelming odds, pirates, citizen soldiers, and the revenge of the commanding officer.

So during the Libertyville & Mundelein 4th of July festivals when the National Anthem is played remember the brave defenders of Fort McHenry.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

GOP Convention


The ILL. Republican Convention was held June 8th & 9th in Tinley Park.  This event was well attended by many Lake County GOP members looking for ways to increase the chances for victory in the November election.

Congressman Joe Walsh was one of many speakers there to inspire the campaign workers.  Unlike some of the other speakers Joe Walsh started and ended his speech with a standing ovation from the crowd.  At times some wondered if the sound system would explode from his very loud and fiery speech.  He reminded all that if the Republicans lose the White House this November, all of us could lose the country we now enjoy and forever live in a socialist country.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

WGN Radio 720 logo
Last month, the Grayslake Fire Protection District opened its newest fire station at 22405 Behm Ln., near the intersection of Illinois Route 60 and Peterson Road.   On June 24 from 1-4 p.m., visit the new facility and meet your firefighters at the new station's open house event.

This station houses a three-person staff 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The fire station will dramatically lower response times to the Southern portion of the Grayslake Fire Protection District, including the Saddlebrook Farms subdivision.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

GOP Rally


Some of the attendees at the Lake County GOP Rally held this Saturday in Vernon Hills.  Pictured are State Rep. Sidney Mathias, Congressman Randy Hultgren, Arlen Gould, County Board Chair David Stolman, and Fremont Twp. Chair Cornelius Shanahan.

The Rally included news on what is going on in Washington D.C. and Springfield, along with training for local volunteers that will be working for a Republican victory in the November Election. 
 What attendees also heard was that the unions, special interest groups, and the National Dem. Party plan on spending millions of dollars to defeat Republicans in Illinois.   The Democrats seem to think the State of ILL. is in good hands with them in power.  What do you think?

Friday, June 1, 2012

Obama vs Vets

This shows how inconsiderate the Democratic Party really is.  Not only blame the President but his entire staff who came up with this Campaign idea at the Wall.

On Memorial Day, the Vietnam Memorial in D.C. is supposed to look like this:
Instead, for seven long hours, it looked like this:
Obama’s secret service shut down the memorial for most of the day, as families and veterans who had come to pay their respects to fallen loved ones were forced to stay hundreds of feet away.
Why? So that the Narcissist-in-Chief could show up for 15-minute speech and photo-op with his carefully selected fans in the audience.
In his campaign speech remarks, Obama made sure to mention that:
“As long as I’m president, we will make sure you and your loved ones will receive the benefits you’ve earned and the respect you deserve,” Obama said. “America will be there for you.”
Wow. How did our veterans ever get their benefits before the benevolent Obamessiah came to office? Is that his argument for why they should vote for him? Because their benefits are only available “as long as I’m president?” Perhaps he’s hoping they’ll forget that he suspended hazard pay for deployed U.S. troops, terminated 157 Air Force Majors without retirement benefits, and proposed a budget that would cut healthcare benefits for active duty and retired US military while protecting union benefits.
I just received this e-mail from a brother in arms who I served with as a USAF pararecueman. A link to his e-mail is at the bottom of the message. I deleted the photos because the server rejected them. -Brian Trubee, Redmond, Washington.:
I am currently in Washington DC and witnessed the following. I saw this first hand and I bet you won’t hear about this from the Liberal media…
Vietnam veterans and the families of Vietnam veterans killed in action whose names are etched on the Wall were denied access to their memorial today, of all days, Memorial Day. The Vietnam Memorial was shutdown, cleared and secured for approximately 5 hours prior to Obama, his cronies and hand picked veterans for a 15 minute appearance by Obama. It’s obvious it was all for show. After all, this is an election year.
Hundreds if not thousands of Vietnam veterans and families of Vietnam veterans killed in Vietnam stood in disbelief as Secret Service, Park Police, Washington, DC Police, etc., blocked all access to the Vietnam Memorial and kept everyone approximately 100 yards away from their memorial for the first time in the history of the Memorial so Obama could get some photos of him at the Wall. Veterans in uniforms stood in the heat angered as Obama makes them wait. It was a photo op at their expense and families of those killed in Vietnam.
As I stated, I was there and witnessed all of this. Many veterans and others flipped Obama the finger as his motorcade drove past.
I didn’t honor him with a finger salute because I was busy holding up my 3′x5′ Don’t Tread on Me Flag as his motorcade drove past.
On another note, I was able to dedicate some port-o potties to Jane Fonda. Pictures attached. Maybe Obama should share this honor with Jane Fonda henceforth.
- Jim Morris
So this is how Obozo honors those who served….I just had this passed on from a friend who was at the wall this morning:
I normally try to avoid political statements, but this one is a bit different. This was received by Colonel Wayne Morris just a few moments ago, who was refused access to the Vietnam War Memorial, where he has visited his fallen comrades for the last 15 years.
Today is Memorial Day and I went to the Vietnam Memorial and something happened there that upset me greatly and I want to pass it on.
For over 15 years I had been going with my dear Marine buddy, Larry Cullen. Since he passed away last year and was interned at Arlington Cemetery, I went this year accompanied by my grandson, Cameron. I had my list of Recon Marines, school classmates, and Larry’s fallen buddies to visit but, as we got close to the area of the National Mall where the Wall is located, we saw huge white tents. We also saw barricades all along Constitution Ave and for a couple blocks in each direction from the Wall. They even closed down all of Constitution Av from the Lincoln Memorial all the way to the WW-II Memorial and there was a virtual army of uniformed and plain-clothes security everywhere.
The biggest tent was right at the west end of the Wall entrance and there was a covered walkway leading right up to The Wall. It was so close, you couldn’t get to the Wall on that side so, my grandson and I went all the way around to the eastern entrance to the Wall and walked down along the Wall to the first of my names and I began telling my grandson about my buddies and how each one died. In short order, a guy in a dark suit and earpiece in his ear told us we had to leave as it was 0730 and they were closing Memorial until at least 1400 so the President could drop by. I asked if he was serious and he assured me he was. We and all the other veterans and families were forced to leave and it was locked down.
The Vietnam Memorial is the most visited site on the entire National Mall. Memorial Day has more visitors to the Vietnam Memorial than almost any other day. Even at the rather early hour Cameron and I were there, there were a lot of veterans and family members down there. In the midst of all that, Obama decides to close it for over seven hours just so he can roll by for 30 minutes in the afternoon for a campaign appearance with Democrats, supporters, and campaign donors? This is an incredulously arrogant, egotistical, and inconsiderate thing to do. What in hell was Obama thinking?
Hey President Obama: Since you ran me (and all the other veterans and family members) out of the Memorial before we finished our business there, how about doing me a favor. If you can take a short break from all the grippin’, grinnin’, posin’ and pontificatin’, how about taking a minute or two to stop by and say hello to my fellow Recon Marines and other classmates on the Wall. I suspect you’ll be too busy with photo ops, campaigning, and stroking donors to be troubled with a couple minutes doing what the Memorial was built for .
Maybe it would have been better for everyone if Obama had just gone golfing like last year.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

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Supporters of State Rep. Sid Mathias in the Mundelein Memorial Day Parade.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Remember What They Gave

The American Legion Post #867 and the Village of Mundelein invites all men and women who
are veterans of the Mundelein area to participate in this year’s Memorial Day Celebration,
Monday, May 28th, at 10:00 a.m. Parade forms at 9:15 a.m. at the Village Hall (440 E. Hawley
St.) and will end at Memorial Park where Mayor Kessler will speak.

The Memorial Day Parade is a solemn event intended to honor veterans and those who have

given their life for their country.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Lake Co. YRs to help Gov. Walker

Lake Co. YR meeting.jpg

Lake County Young Republicans May 2012 meeting, had a special guest speaker Andrew Nelms of Prosperity for America.  Andrew gave details of the effort to win the recall election of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker.  Many outside unions are trying to defeat Gov. Walker and reverse the improvements to Wisconsin made under Gov. Walker.  Prosperity for America and other groups are putting together phone banks to inform Wisconsin residents that they need to support Scott Walker in the June election.  The Wisconsin Republicans have asked for help from Republicans from Northern Illinois to assist them in this fight against the outside interest groups.   

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Walsh Debate

Even the mostly liberal media is siding with Joe Walsh on this debate.

NBC CHICAGO - WARD ROOM            By Edward McClelland

Opinion: Walsh Wins Debate, But Who Was Watching?

From the economy and taxes to Medicare and gay marriage, the pair clashed during the hour-long televised debate sponsored by WGN-TV.
Rep. Joe Walsh (Tea Party-Ill.), is more cut out for talk radio than politics. But if he keeps talking as well as he did during his Friday night debate with Tammy Duckworth, he may keep his job in Congress
For Duckworth, the best thing about the debate was this: it took place at 6 p.m. Friday night. On cable TV. 
Walsh used his superior rhetorical and public speaking skills to portray himself as a reasonable, fiscally-responsible congressman, and Duckworth as a servant of the special interests.

Right off the bat, the two candidates were asked about gay marriage, which President Obama endorsed last week. Walsh said he wasn’t in favor of it, but didn’t think it was a significant issue in the congressional race, either. Given the chance to look like a wingnut by ranting about “the gay agenda” and “traditional marriage,” Walsh decided to leave that to Rick Santorum. Duckworth seemed more committed to the issue, giving a speech about how gay couples deserve the same rights her husband had while she was recovering from wounds after he Blackhawk helicopter was shot down in Iraq. Walsh didn’t look like the candidate of the religious right, but Duckworth looked like the candidate of the gay community. 
Walsh also scored points by accusing President Obama of pandering to young voters -- an important Obama constituency -- by trying to keep student loan rates at 3.6 percent. Walsh voted against the bill because, he said, it would have increased the deficit by $6 billion. 
Duckworth accused Walsh of trying to end Medicare, suggesting he was “irresponsible and extremist” in voting for Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget proposal and calling the program a Ponzi scheme. Walsh turned that around by insisting that not trying to reform the health care program was irresponsible. 
“For anybody, Republican or Democrat, like you to say ‘don’t touch it,’ you’re ending Medicare as we know it,” Walsh said. 
Walsh is a conviction politician. Duckworth is a consensus politician. In a debate, her nuance is not as engaging as his belief. 
Walsh also avoided any of the outbursts that have made his town hall meetings Internet hits. Duckworth said he went to Washington to “scream from the mountaintops…crackpot Tea Party ideas,” but that’s not how he came off Friday night. However, you can be sure Duckworth will be airing clips of his most intemperate moments in her TV ads -- and those will be seen by a lot more people than a CLTV debate. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Lake County YRs

A short message to the younger citizens of Lake County:

The Young Republicans of Lake County hold monthly meetings and social events to help encourage fiscal responsibility and activism among the conservatives of Lake County. Find out about our events, get involved!  It could also be fun and might even save our entire nation.

Lake County Young Republicans Meeting
  • Where: Lake County GOP HQ, 320 Peterson Rd. in Libertyville
  • When: 7:00 p.m.Sunday May 20th
  •  Fun for all that attend

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sen. Duffy calls for Transparency

Senator Duffy’s bill, SB 3392, would require all local governments – including school boards, townships and municipalities – to post their checkbooks online. The state senator said it’s possible that the alleged City of Dixon theft could have been flagged earlier if the public had access to this vital information. Senator Duffy has been pursuing this transparency bill for several years. In the past, Springfield leadership has not allowed this bill to be called in a senate committee for a hearing.

“These accusations highlight why it’s so important for Illinois to move forward on government transparency,” said Sen. Duffy, R-Lake Barrington.
“If you look at the City of Dixon’s website, there is almost no financial information available to the public. Without filing onerous Freedom of Information Act requests, the public had no mechanism for holding its city officials accountable or investigating the finances themselves.”

“After seeing how little public information is available on Dixon’s website, it’s no surprise that the alleged theft went under the radar for so long,” said Brian Costin, director of government reform at the Illinois Policy Institute. “What Dixon and the entire state must do now is create a culture of transparency and accountability. This will help weed out corruption, and restore the public’s faith in local government.”

Monday, May 7, 2012

Gov. Scott Walker Support

The Warren Township Republican Organization is having a phone bank to support Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin in their headquarters, 4628 Old Grand Avenue, Gurnee, starting the middle of next week.  They currently have six phone lines and have ordered twelve more.  They will be providing beer (for those over 21), pop, water, and munchies for phone bankers.

The Unions outside of Wisconsin have targeted Scott Walker for defeat after he dared to challenge them over work rules for government union workers.  He did not lay off any workers and he balanced the state budget, without raising taxes.  

 If you are interested, contact Mike Amrozowicz at 847-710-9996 or

Monday, April 30, 2012

Limited Government?

The Lake County Central assignment in Washington D.C.just made me think more of how our government has been heading in the wrong direction for years.  D.C. is a police state which has museums in it.  Guards, police, machine guns, police dogs, cameras, barricades, fences, guarding every building against the public.   Gone is the day when someone could walk up to an elected servant of the people and just say hello. 

We saw thousands of staff running around doing all kinds of work to keep the government machine working.  During WWII there was a slogan, "Is this trip necessary?", it was to remind people that gasoline resources were scarce and were needed to help fight the war.  The slogan today should be: Is this work necessary?   Our resources, our national treasure are limited and needed to keep the Country running, it should not be wasted doing work that government does not do well.

We need less regulation, investigators, committees, bureaus, and bureaucrats.  Insurance companies, banks, the media, private lawyers, unions, special interest groups, and ordinary citizens will not let our environment, work place, and homes become unsafe and polluted.  We do not need the government telling us how to live. 


Walsh in Washingtion

Congressman Joe Walsh and friends in his Congressional office.  Note his couch/bed in the background.  You can catch Joe Walsh at one of his many Town Hall meetings locally.  We need to send more Republican members to Congress, so we can get this Country back on the right track.  Please get involved and help your Country

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Buddy can you spare a cause

DC protest photo.JPG

Lake County Central is currently on assignment in Washington D.C., where they have found the occupy Wall Street movement in full decline.  Occupy in D.C. has about 25 residents and from their literature is still looking for a cause.  Can someone please spare a cause for a movement?

One complaint they had: How come it is harder to own and use an automobile than it is to own and use a gun?  I guess none of them have been to Illinois to legally purchase a gun.  The only state to outlaw the carrying of legal firearms, the only state that requires gun owners to be registered.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Reporting of Lake GOP Convention

                     NEWS-SUN STAFF REPORT April 19, 2012 8:20PM

Virginia Wood talks with Libertyville Township treasurer Mahan Manian and Cornelius Shanahan of Fremont Township (Township Chairman) before the start of the Lake County Republican Central Committee Convention at Midlane Country Club. | Mark Ukena - Sun-Times Media

Lake County Republican Central Committee Convention with individual township meetings and a great chance to talk to with your 2012 republican candidates and committees of Lake County, Illinois, at Midlane Country Club in Gurnee. | Mark Ukena - Sun-Times Media

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Battleground Lake County Central

Bob Cook has been reelected Republican Chairman of Lake County.  His acceptance speech was one of unity for the Party to elect Republicans in the November election.

In other news, outside union backed protesters are expected at the Lake County Republican Spring Gala Dinner.  They will be protesting the keynote speaker Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin..  It looks like Lake County will be one of the battlegrounds in the upcoming November elections.  

Lake County Central will do it's best to keep you informed of what is happening on the political battlefront.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Sen. Duffy speaks out

The blog site ILLINOIS REVIEW sent out questionnaires to all candidates for the ILL. Senate, below is the link for Sen. Dan Duffy's response.  It only confirms we sent the right person to Springfield with Dan.  Keep up the good work Dan!

Illinois State Senate -- 2012 Candidate Questionnaires

The following 2012 Illinois State Senate candidates answered, or refused to answer, the grassroots conservative citizens questionnaire.

Terry Link (D) (refused to answer) *

Dan Duffy (R) *

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dem spending.jpg

This true for the state and national level.  We need the leaders in Springfield and Washington to balance the budget or our grandchildren will be stuck with the bill.  SPEAK UP and let them hear your concerns, if not you, who then?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dee Beaubien to runagainst David McSweeny

According to several blog posts and the media Dee Beaubien is about to run against the Republican Candidate David McSweeny as an independent in the November election.  This would make it a 3 way race, giving the Democrats and Madigan a possible victory.

For more details check:


Monday, April 9, 2012

According to several media sources a graveyard that contains the remains of our brave soldiers from WWII in Libya that has been desecrated by  mobs.  If this is true why is our government so silent?
This was a cemetery in Libya where American and British soldiers were buried who died there in WWII. The video shows a mob of Muslims ransacking the cemetery. Why haven't we heard a word of outrage from that president of ours about this, or from our dedicated Secretary of State who are constantly bending over backwards apologizing to Muslims for every perceived indignity?,0,