Friday, February 22, 2013

Forbes Magazine

List of  America's Most Miserable Cities

#4 Chicago, Ill.

Chicago has passionate supporters, but residents must endure the misery of long commutes, plummeting home prices, brutal winters and high foreclosure rates. The migration rate out of Chicago is the sixth worst among the 200 largest metros.

#9 Lake County, Ill.

The Chicago suburb is one of the richest counties in the U.S., as measured by per capita income. But home prices are down 29% over the past 5 years. Other drawbacks: long commutes and lousy weather.

Monday, February 18, 2013

April 2013 Election

Village of Mundelein Mayor
Steve Lentz Pro Mundelein
Wally Frasier Independent
Robin D. Meier Independent
Village of Mundelein Clerk
Katy Timmerman Pro Mundelein
Village of Mundelein Trustee
Ray Semple Pro Mundelein
Kerry Garesche Pro Mundelein
Jim Nutschnig Pro Mundelein
Holly Kim Independent
Dawn Abernathy Independent
Alexander Kvasnicka Independent
Gregory S. Jacobs Independent